Contact Us

Have questions? We're here to help!

In order to assist us with finding the best way to help you, please use the dropdown navigation below.

Our customer service team can be reached Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm Pacific. We are closed most major holidays.


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Send us your information by filling out our Warranty and Repair form (available here) and we’d be happy to assist regardless of warranty status.

Let us know what you need by filling out our Warranty and Repair form (available here) or by sending an email with your mailing address to with a description of the issue, your full name, and shipping address.

"How do I track my shipment?"

"How do I modify or cancel my order?"

"What's EXPED's return policy?"

"How can I clean my sleeping mat?"

We answer all these questions and much more on our FAQs pages:

FAQs Page

Gear FAQs

If you still have questions or need assistance with something else, please use the contact form below to reach out.

Send us a message